University Interview

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Most of the universities are now conducting interviews to the students before offering the seat. As soon as you hear this there will be many questions raise in your mind

  • Is it so important and serious?
  • I am good in English why should I bother?
  • I have already given English language proficiency test so will I also face interview by the university?
  • I can read and write English but not confident is I compulsory to face the interview?
  • How long will the interview take place?
  • Is it face to face interview?

Let me address your quires one by one

It is serious and important to crack the interview. Only after successful completion of the interview the university will grant you seat in their institute. If you are good at English, then concentrate on questions which are kind of tricky and gain some extra knowledge about course and university. 😇

Yes!! You will be facing interview even though you have submitted your language proficiency test. 😊

Yes!! It is compulsory to everyone to face the interview. If you read and write in English then you require proper guiding and regular practice sessions will help you to come out of this situation. We are here to guide you

Interviews generally takes place for 30 minutes. In these 30 minutes the university representative will record the way you appear and the way you answer and your answers as well. be conscious towards all these points. Never miss a chance to give accurate and proper answers. 😇

These interviews will be conducted online. On any of the available platform. Don’t worry you will be intimated earlier regarding the interview date time and platform as well through the mail.

Let us start discussion about the interviews. Reason why most of the university conduct interviews is simple. They want to check the level of English and accent we can understand. As everything will be in English in most of the countries. So, they want to make sure about this they conduct interview at the first stage.

Later they want to know how much knowledge you possess regarding the course university and country you are going to stay.

Later they want to know about the career plans and your financial status as per university fees and living expenses.

These are the most common questions anyone will face in the interview. We are here for you to support you with the questionnaire and training sessions as per your requirements.

Once you receive your offer letter from university you need to start your interview preparations from that day itself because we cannot estimate any random date and face it without preparations. As most of the universities will not conduct re-interview or if some universities conduct re-interview their question pattern will be entirely different and difficult also. I hope you are not ready to take that risk.

I have earlier mentioned most common questions in the interview. But, for your astonishing there are some unusual questions to trick your way of analyzing and responding capacity. They may be like

  • who was your first teacher?
  • Why did you hate your first enemy at the first place?
  • what will you do if you get 1cr on road? Etc.

these questions will be asked to test the English efficiency of the student because we cannot mug-up answers for the random questions which are raised out of blue moon. You need to give spontaneous answers to these questions. They will not go for proof checking on the statements you mentioned but be sure about the grammar and other aspects

Let me give you some of secret tips🤫 that I generally give to my students.

  • Always be sure with the answers.
  • Be attentive towards the interviewer as we may miss some points due to their accent.
  • Look into the camera, do not glaze elsewhere.
  • Have a pleasant smile in your face while attending interview. I am aware of the hotseat tension but don’t show it outside. (REACTIONS SHOULD BE INSIDE)
  • Be clear with the points you are going to answer. Don’t clumsify the answer.
  • Don’t hide any papers under the table or laptop and see they will be noticing you.
  • Be prepared with all possible questions you will be facing.
  • Answer appropriate. Don’t give vague answers.
  • Be up to date with the rankings.


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