Top Universities in Germany

Top Universities in Germany

Germany has always been one of the leading nations when it comes to academics. Be it the list of noble prize winners, the scientists or the scholars, Germany has always offered the world with best talent and resources it has. Today also with a long list of high performing and established universities there, it is offering a quality education and competency to worldwide students. There is a long list of universities you can choose from or ask the education consultants for Germany to help you out by providing relevant guidance. At JMJ, we assist our students in taking admission in the best universities there and also help in getting German student visa for a hassle free entry into the country.

Some facts about German universities:

  • There are as much as 13 universities of Germany listed in the top 200 of QS rankings.
  • There are more than 350 recognized universities in Germany offering higher education.
  • As much as 14000 degree courses are offered providing ample career making opportunities to students.
  • Each regulatory region of Germany is free to set its own registration fees and own university fees.
  • English alone offers more than 800 courses in degree in German institutions.
  • Tuition fees in most of the German landers are free, however, some regions charge a nominal amount.
  • For medicine, pharmacy, and dentistry, there is a limit on the number of students to be enrolled.
  • Applications for courses to commence in September should be filled by mid-January.
  • Student accommodation is provided by most of the German universities, however living in private hostels and shared flats is also common.
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List of Universities in Germany

SI.NO Universities
1. RWTH Aachen University
2. University of Augsburg
3. University of Bamberg
4. University of Bayreuth
5. Berlin University of the Arts
6. Free University of Berlin
7. Humboldt University of Berlin
8. Technical University of Berlin
9. University of Bielefeld
10. Ruhr University Bochum
11. University of Bonn
12. Brandenburg University of Technology
13. University of Bremen
14. Jacobs University Bremen
15. Chemnitz University of Technology
16. Clausthal University of Technology
17. University of Cologne
18. Darmstadt University of Technology
19. Technical University of Dortmund
20. Dresden University of Technology
21. University of Duisburg-Essen
22. University of Düsseldorf
23. Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
24. ESCP Europe Wirtschaftshochschule Berlin
25. University of Erfurt
26. University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
27. University of Duisburg-Essen (Campus Essen)
28. University of Flensburg
29. Goethe University of Frankfurt am Main
30. Viadrina University (Frankfurt an der Oder)
31. Freiberg University of Mining and Technology
32. Zeppelin University (Friedrichshafen)
33. University of Freiburg
34. University of Giessen
35. University of Göttingen
SI.NO Universities
36. University of Greifswald
37. University of Hagen (distance learning; open university)
38. University of Halle-Wittenberg (also in Wittenberg)
39. University of Hamburg
40. HafenCity University Hamburg
41. Hamburg University of Technology
42. Helmut Schmidt University (University of the Bundeswehr
43. Hertie School of Governance (private institution with university status
44. University of Hannover
45. University of Heidelberg
46. University of Hildesheim
47. University of Hohenheim
48. of Oldenburg
49. University of Osnabrück
50. University of Paderborn
51. University of Passau
52. University of Potsdam
53. University of Regensburg
54. University of Rostock
55. Saarland University
56. University of Siegen
57. German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer
58. University of Stuttgart
59. University of Trier
60. University of Tübingen
61. University of Ulm
62. University of Halle-Wittenberg (also in Halle)
63. University of Vechta
64. University of Weimar
65 Witten/Herdecke University
66. University of Wuppertal
67. University of Augsburg
68. Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
69. University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
70. University of Freiburg
71. Zeppelin University (Friedrichshafen)
72. University of Heidelberg
73. University of Hohenheim
74. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
75. University of Konstanz
76. University of Mannheim
77. Bundeswehr University of Munich
78. University of Munich
79. Ukrainian Free University Munich
80. University of Passau
81. University of Regensburg
82. University of Stuttgart
83. University of Tübingen
84. University of Ulm
85. University of Würzburg
86. Technical University of Berlin
87. Brandenburg University of Technology
88. Braunschweig University of Technology
89. Chemnitz University of Technology
90 Clausthal University of Technology
91. Technical University of Dortmund
92. Darmstadt University of Technology
93. Dresden University of Technology
94. Freiberg University of Mining and Technology
95. Hamburg University of Technology
96. University of Hannover
97. Ilmenau University of Technology
98. Kaiserslautern University of Technology
99. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
100. Technical University of Munich
101 University of Stuttgart
102. Technical University of Munich
103. University of Stuttgart


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