Best Study Abroad Consultants in Hyderabad

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           From past fourteen years JMJ EDUCATIONAL SERVICES is one of the most trusted and Best Study Abroad Consultants in Hyderabad.  There is a 95% of success rate. We have students in more than four major countries such as UK, USA, Australia, Canada and Ireland as well. With the dedicated experts team we can proudly say we are in the top position as best study abroad consultants in Hyderabad.

We are capable in reading minds and hearts of the candidates who come to us with lot of questions in his brain which include country selection, suitable course, part-time jobs and even accommodation. Let me clear your queries one by one. Being Best Study Abroad Consultants in Hyderabad. We make sure that our clients will have a confident smile on their face when they visit us. We JMJ EDUCATIONAL SERVICES provide service before and after application submitted. We make sure that abroad education dream of a candidate will be turned into reality.

            Let me discuss with you about the services we provide to candidates who walk-in to JMJ EDUCATIONAL SERVICES. We generally create a friendly atmosphere and address to all the quires that are need to be addressed. There may be queries like will the university accept MOI; how much fees need to paid in advance; how will the process goes. What are the required documents; all these will be addressed by our team. Apart from these we also provide many different services to our students.

Let’s analyses the services a candidate can get.


Selection of country: Education is passion in everyone’s life. Education in today is the synonym of globalization and in today’s fast changing corporate world, International Education is became a necessity rather than an extravagance. In the hunt of getting an international degree or being in a global educational environment, the choice of perfect education destination becomes crucial. The temptation or over-enthusiasm of foreign education may sometimes end you up at inappropriate junctions. That’s the reason we JMJ EDUCATIONAL SERVICES will give real facts and figures and more reality image of the country you are planning.

  • Selection of course and university: it’s not true that every university is best for the course which you want likewise not all the courses suits your talent. Selection of course is the first step towards bright future in abroad. We JMJ EDUCATIONAL SERVICES being Best Study Abroad Consultants In Hyderabad will guide you to the best suit course according to profile and interest. There will be many different Programmes to choose from within the subject, or subjects, you’re interested in studying. Different universities will have slight variations and may focus on more niche areas of the topic.
  • How can I decide college or university in an unknown location? That’s the toughest job but we JMJ EDUCATIONAL SERVICES have a different strategy to decide the location. We will look for the locations which have proper means of public transport system, near to most required places like hotels, library, and places to visit and location which has good part-time job opportunities; along with lesser PG rentals. Along with these the major role played by the ranks. University ranks are considered primarily as we all say “numbers won’t lie”. Being the Best Study Abroad Consultants in Hyderabad create admission to deserved candidate the particular university.
  • Supervision of VISA application: At JMJ EDUCATIONAL SERVICES we are very much aware how important and crucial it is to fill by student himself. We have a dedicated team to do all the visa processing and get it completed successfully. We will be in support to the student ever since he/she starts their application till the candidate gets the visa. Being the best abroad consultant in Hyderabad we are very well known for the perfect visa submission. We JMJ EDUCATIONAL SERVICES will do all the visa process in transparent manner right in-front of the candidates. And this will be done without taking a single penny.
  • Funding assistance for education: We JMJ EDUCATIONAL SERVICES understand the truth that not everyone will be having enough money in their account but we all dream to achieve clouds. So we JMJ EDUCATIONAL SERVICES as popularly known as best abroad consultant in Hyderabad will assist them with Scholarships and loans.
  • Guidance for on-campus and off-campus accommodation: Accommodation is a biggest nightmare to everyone who is planning to stay in different location which is totally unknown. We are here for you again! JMJ EDUCATIONAL SERVICES doesn’t just apply to university we are with you till you find proper accommodation in those new locations. We are here to guide you and assist you to get accommodation in the campus or if you prefer to stay off the campus as well will guide you to the best economically suitable accommodations around the campus which is easily accessible to all means of transport. JMJ EDUCATIONAL SERVICES will provide all the assistance to our students even after they moved out of the country and we will always be in touch with our students.
  • Session to familiarize with new nation and culture: JMJ EDUCATIONAL SERVICES will held personal sessions to the candidates who are planning to go abroad will be getting out of box session with our former students and help them to create a homely and familiar atmosphere which most of the consultancies doesn’t do. We JMJ EDUCATIONAL SERVICES, best abroad consultant in Hyderabad makes new country a second home to you even way before you reach there.
  • Travel arrangements and guidance: JMJ EDUCATIONAL SERVICES, Best Abroad Consultant in Hyderabad will assist our students with their travel arrangements and support them with air ticketing as well. This will be beyond the regular assistance provided by other consultancies in Hyderabad.
  • Post departure services: JMJ EDUCATIONAL SERVICES, Best Abroad Consultant In Hyderabad will make sure our students will get a warm welcome in the unknown country and how to approach universities and how to submit the documents in the universities. Hostel and room fetching assistance will be suggested through the JMJ EDUCATIONAL SERVICE.

Visit JMJ EDUCATIONAL SERVICE for further details and unfold your opportunities to fly abroad

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